Alberta Network
For Safe & Healthy Children
Home » For Professionals » Translated Resources For Professionals

Translated Resources For Professionals

Translated versions of the When your BABY can’t stop CRYING brochure help parents and caregivers to:

  • better understand infant crying
  • learn strategies on how to deal with stressful crying situations.

All translated resources are described below and are available on this site for downloading, customizing and printing.

When your BABY can’t stop CRYING (Black & White)

When your BABY can’t stop CRYING (Colour)


Customizing Resources

The translated versions of this brochure include an “unlocked” space to allow resources to be customized prior to printing. The unlocked space is for the inclusion of contact information for local resources. The communication department of many organizations and most professional printers have the Adobe Writer software needed to insert information into the unlocked spaces, click here for instructions.

Translated Parenting and Child Health Resources

All campaign resources and images on this web site may be printed and used for educational purposes in health, child and family services, enforcement and other not-for-profit settings in Alberta. All other reproductions, in whole or in part, require written permission from the Alberta SBS Prevention Network. The above documents are in PDF format.

Translated Materials

Health Canada – National Clearinghouse on Family Violence – French resources
Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention 
Coping with Crying Brochure available in Arabic, Farsi, French, Hindi, Korean, Punjabi, Simple Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Urdu, and Vietnamese

Positive Discipline – what is it and how to do it  available in Korean, Thai, Mongolian, Norwegian. Up coming: Vietnamese, Japanese, Russian. Possible but not confirmed: Portuguese, Arabic, Spanish, mandarin Chinese, Laotian

Attachment Across Cultures   available in French

Pre and Postnatal care for Mom and Baby
Fact sheets – available in French, Somali, Spanish, Tamil, Urdu, and Vietnamese

Early Childhood Connections
Parent information sheets – available in Arabic, Bosnian, Chinese, Croatian, English, Somali, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese.

Health Information Resources in Asian Languages 
Includes print materials as well as some audio and video resources available in Chinese, Cambodian/Khmer, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Thai, and Vietnamese.